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NY Gov Kathy Hochul - Jail The Unvaxxed! Interview Alix Mayer, John Gilmore and Curtis Cost


  1. the short version of this commy bill is Bill-A416

    1. Dan,

      Bill-A416 was actually less severe than Hochul's regulation. For example, it put a limit of 90 days on how long a person can be held. Nonetheless, it was horrible and rightly condemned! What Hochul is trying to do is so diabolical that she was afraid to make any public announcement about it! She did not even issue a press release about it. She just quietly stuck it in one week before Christmas! Now we have until February 14 to try to stop it from becoming effectively law. We must publicize this far and wide.

  2. Replies
    1. It is definitely kidnapping! It is also unconstitutional!

  3. This bill will be used for the next thing they have coming.

  4. It is unnerving to think of the next steps they have planned. This is why must expose this criminal regulation from Governor Hochul.

  5. Sounds like charges need to be brought forth on the illegal activity being conducted by our NY State govt.. Maybe we start with an executive official trying to make law and usurping the law of the land.

    I'm not educated on the details in this area, but it already sounds like illegal activity is already taking place. Charges would bring this into a court room to discuss the validity of this little statement:

    All legislative power in the government is vested in Congress, meaning that it is the only part of the government that can make new laws or change existing laws. Executive Branch agencies issue regulations with the full force of law, but these are only under the authority of laws enacted by Congress.

    ..and possibly the little part in the 5th amendment about public harm.

  6. I have been living in a month to month rental for the past 12 years in NYC (prior to that I had a lease - total 28 years in my apartment.) My neighbors fear that I am not jabbed and have gotten my landlord to tack a 90-day eviction notice on my door!

  7. That sounds illegal even for New York! Have you contacted a lawyer?

  8. It is my understanding that this would be carried out by the county Health Department

  9. The outrage is warranted. The issue is simple and clear enough to galvanize some. However, what you have presented will fall short; even if you are able to turn this regulation aaside. That will be short-lived.

    Activists such as yourselves must understand the difference between a strategy and tactic. What you are advocating, however much I support it, misses the mark by a lot.

    Our citizenry has a great deal of power to check, balance, and even self govern in the literal sense of the term. That is what must be sought and brought to the fore while battling this nonsense.

    Those two things are in perfect harmony; not mutually exclusive.

    Miss the opportunity and rest assured, they will figure out a way to get the dissenters into the holding cells.
